Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods: The Ultimate Guide

Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

Introduction to Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

When we walk through the supermarket, we see many bottled and jarred packaged goods on the shelf. Manufacturers use various packaging materials for storing perishable and non-perishable goods. Chemists and pharmacists use Glass vessels and bottles in laboratories to preserve chemicals so they may not react with the environment.

Covering materials have benefits for both producers and consumers. Packed goods are those goods that have a longer shelf life than homemade items. Household items like cleaning chemicals, pet food, meat, seafood, and all commodities come in glass and plastic jars.

Let us explain the history of bottled and jarred packaged goods, the reasons packaging is essential, the function of packaging in logistics, the jarred and packaged goods, and how packaging can extend food shelf life.

History of Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

The ancient Egyptians used ceramic jars to store pickles, homemade jam, etc. Glass bottles were first made in Mesopotamia in 1500 BC. Egyptians were the primary producers and users of glass bottles. In ancient times, Manufacturing glass bottles was a steady process. In 1903, Mike Owens invented the glass bottle manufacturing machine, which revolutionized the industry.

After this revolution, the production and use of glass bottles increased. In China, people used mulberry bark containers to store canned foods. NABISCO was the first brand that introduced brand-consumer packing in the 1890s. The packets industry continued to grow, and experts in this industry have introduced many innovations like zinc caps for shoulder seal jars.

Chemists use many chemicals like polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, terephthalate, polyethylene, BPA- based polycarbonate, epoxy resins, polyester, polymer, phthalates, etc for packaging. Nowadays every type of packing material is available in the market.

Reasons ‌Packaging is Essential


Food containers resist the harmful chemicals from transferring into food.


The primary purpose of packing goods is to protect the products inside the container from any damage while storing, handling and transportation. Packaging protects the commodities from external factors like heat, sunlight, and humidity.

External factors can lead to the spoilage of goods.

Information for consumer

Companies do labeling to list the ingredients and nutrition content on the packet to provide information to the consumer about the health content of the product. Producers label the manufacturing and expiry date on the package.


Usability refers to plain, uncomplicated, and consumer-friendly packaging. Packing should be user and environmentally friendly.


Packets are important because of their branding and marketing perspective.

Attractive packing stands out from the shelf and makes a person agree to buy. Wrapping is as necessary as food content. Stunning packets increase sales. A brand’s packets help tell its story. It also assists customers in understanding the brand’s values.


People are getting concerned about their environment because of the increase in air pollution.

Sustainable wrapping materials have more impact on the customers.

Materials Should be effortlessly recyclable and renewable. The packets should have environmental impacts written on their cover.

Impressive packets result in more sales.


The specific logo design and theme works to recognize the brand.

The Role of packaging in logistics

You need to ensure that your packaging operations are efficient for your brand’s logistics. The supplier must ensure the delivery of goods to the customer in the same condition as when they left the warehouse. Packaging plays a primary role in this process, beginning with selecting materials that can withstand the rigors of transportation.

To prepare products for delivery, it enables you to stack them, place them on pallets, and move them effortlessly throughout the warehouse. Protective wrapping is enough to limit the movement of goods.

Packets contribute to the efficient distribution. Packing also helps in conveying information about critical handling.

Efficient utilization of packets can free up space, reduce costs, and save you valuable time, allowing you to deliver large quantities efficiently.

Types of Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods


Plastic is the most commonly used type of material.

There are many types of plastics used in packaging. Polyethylene terephthalate is the most commonly used material in the US for food and beverage covering. Polyethylene Is a transparent, stiffer, and lightweight type of plastic. Polystyrene is a Nice and light plastic that helps in protecting delicate objects. Producers use silicone polymer for making bottle caps because of its water-resistant and air-tight characteristics. Phthalates (plasticizers) have softening properties. Few countries have legally restricted phthalates for making covers. Packaging should be tamper-evident.

Producers preserve ketchup, jams, and pickles in plastic pails. Manufacturers use Plastic bottles for filling sauces, strawberries, and chocolate syrup.

The tubs of Nutella come in plastic. The bottle of ultramarine blue clothes also comes in plastic. Its moderate rigidity, chemical resistance, high durability, and moisture resistance make HDPE high-density polyethylene bottles a popular choice.

Disposable tumblers, bowls, and egg trays are the formations of polystyrene and polymer.

Drugstore cosmetics such as face wash and lotions come in plastic tubes and dispenser bottles. Water bottles and gallons are a composition of plastic.

Water bottles are reusable, compressible, and recyclable. Food grade, non-toxic and transparent plastic is not harmful. Plastic is the primary material in the production of oil dispensing jugs.

Juice bottles have screw caps, and their primary material is translucent, white plastic. Dishwashers and foamer also come in plastic packing. Empty plastic bottles are recyclable, but they are not environmentally friendly.


In ancient times, the most commonly used pot was glass canisters. Glass packaging is renewable and recyclable. Fragrances and mists also come in glass sprayer bottles.

Amber, Cobalt-blue, and green glass bottles look attractive and protect their contents from UV rays. Glass bottles with a flip-top and a swing top look unique. Producers use clear glass for Wine bottles, decanters, and carafes. Chemists usually store Expensive creams in Glass cosmetic containers. Glass is the primary material for storing spices. Boston round glass bottles are suitable for storing bath n body products, and chemicals in laboratories. Glass is the core material for making double walls inside Thermos flask bottles. Wide-mouth glass bottles look the trendiest of all bottles. Honey comes in glass bottles, and Skincare items like serums come in Apothecary and dropper bottles.

The process for the formation of glass bottles is blow-molding. Blow molding is joining the parts of plastic and glass bottles.


Metal is the core material in the production of a sifter bottle.

Cocktails and wax come in a metal tin. Tin-plated steel is a core material in metal containers resistant to corrosion.

They help in the heating and cooling of food contents. Canning is converting metal into a can shape. Beverages and pet food come in cans. Metal containers are durable and reusable.

Producers coat metal packaging on one or both sides (typically cans, containers, caps, and closures).

Inside (food contact) internal coatings such as lacquers or enamels, while outside coatings are external coatings such as enamel, ink, or varnishes. Manufacturers use thermal processing for can coating. The reason for coating is Internal (food contact) coatings:

• protect the contents against the metal – for example, iron pickup in beer or discoloration of dark-colored fruits, such as plums and strawberries, when metals are in contact with them.

• protect the metal can from the contents – for instance, acidic soft drinks (which may corrode uncoated metal) or some fish, meats, and soups (which may cause sulfur stains). The functions of non-food coatings are‌:

• Protect metals from the environment, e.g. corrosion because of atmospheric pollution;

• Support decoration, labeling, and consumer information;

• Improve mobility (friction) of the article during filling operations. It is only possible to fill beverage cans with an external decoration, which creates friction (mobility) for the can to pass through the head.

We have examined only the internal coatings in this article. Coatings affect the manufacture of the can in the following ways:

• They reduce tool wear on tin-free steel (TFS) substrates. During deformation, electrolytic tinplate (ETP) on the surface of steel “lubricates” the metal, while steel without a tin coating would be very abrasive and the forming presses would rapidly wear out. Practices differ widely across industries, both geographically and company-by-company. There are several examples of (coated) metal packaging normally encountered in this article. Some countries or companies will use a particular type of metal, can, or coating for a specific end-use, while other countries or companies may use other materials for the same end-use. A single can may comprise different metals and several or similar internal coatings.

Types of Metal Cans

There are distinct types of cans and ends (or lids). A can comprises either two or three components (“two-piece cans” and “three-piece cans”); three-piece cans comprise a Cylinder, a top, and a bottom, while two-piece cans have a single top and bottom. Sizes range from tiny (a few grams) to catering packs (2–10 kg).

Drawn cans (two-piece cans) We can find this type of can in the beverage and food industries. Sweets, chocolates, and cookies also come in drawn cans, which usually have a slip lid. We can use both steel and aluminum to pack. Punch can deform metal discs. Companies form two-piece from a blank of metal into a can without a lid. In order to produce drawn cans, Producers use coils of metal that are unwound or stamped metal sheets to convert into discs. The metal substrate is usually double-sided coated. The method differentiates these cans used to form them:

  • Single Drawn
  • Drawn and Ironed
  • Drawn and Redrawn
  • Drawn and Wall ironed


Milk bottles/cartons are made of paperboard coated with plastic polyethylene. Paper board is a composition of both hard and softwood.

Cardboard is environmentally friendly and an alternative to the tin plate. Cardboard packaging is lightweight, affordable, and cost-effective.

Wooden packaging

Wooden packaging is a natural type of packaging derived from wood. Wooden pallets are stackable over one another because they can bear weight.

Aluminum packaging

Aluminum is more durable than plastic and glass. Producers use an aluminum wrap for packing Cheese, butter, chocolates, tea, etc.

How can Packaging Extend Food Shelf Life?

It prevents the food from spoilage and contamination.


The foil, metalized, or transparent barrier found in packaging protects the product from risks such as oxidation, moisture, and contamination.

Gas permeability:

For products that need air to remain fresh, packaging should have the proper permeability, considering the oxygen transmission rate. Tiny holes may be present in this packaging or use gas-permeable material.

Physical protection

Besides providing physical protection, packaging also helps prevent damage that can make food more susceptible to spoilage risks.

Pros and Cons of Utilizing Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

There are the following advantages, and disadvantages of using bottled and jarred packaged goods.



The bottled and jarred packaged goods are hygienic because it prevents the food from bacteria.

Long-term storage

We can store food items for months and years in bottles and jars. Jars prevent the material from external elements. Bottle and Jar packaging is the primary part of the whole supply chain, and its longevity depends on the material, temperature, and moisture resistance.


We can take them anywhere because the packed goods are convenient and portable.


We can easily recognize the product inside without opening the lid because Glass jars are transparent.

Environmental friendly

Glass jars are more environmentally friendly because they don’t lose their purity while recycling.


The glass jars and bottles are affordable and durable. Glass pots last more than cardboard packages.

Store and transport

The package can preserve contents for a prolonged period. You can effortlessly keep and store items.

Different sizes and shapes are accessible

Glass jars are of different shapes and sizes. Containers are available for packing liquor and solid items, etc.

Glass jars are reusable and biodegradable.

Food Quality

Bottles and jars help in maintaining the food quality for a prolonged period.

Several jars contain healthy ready-to-eat items.



Glass packaging is more expensive than other types like plastic, aluminum, etc.


A clean environment provides purified air and water. Discarding plastic in landfills ends in serious environmental problems. Consumer products wrappers contribute more to waste.


Glass jars are difficult to handle and transport because they are breakable.


When producers use expensive materials in product covering, the consumer has to bear the overall cost. The smaller packets have fewer costs as compared to larger ones.

Avoid these Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

Read carefully what’s written on the package and avoid bottled and jarred packaged goods that are mentioned here because they cause harm to your health.

Any product labeled as enriched

Don’t use those products labeled as enriched, such as white flour, pasta, white bread, etc. They are low-nutrition products that will cause obesity and diabetes and make you sluggish and tired.

Any product labeled as fortified

These products meet the nutritional deficiency in our bodies. Fortified products contain mineral and vitamin supplements which have various side effects after consumption.

Vegetable oil

The canola, corn, and soybean vegetable oils are derivatives of genetically improved ingredients.

Consumption of Packaged items results in serious health issues. Vegetable oil can cause chronic inflammation and increase the risk of cancer.


If you are a producer or consumer, use BPA-free packaging. BPA stands for Bisphenol A and is harmful to health.

Combat the Polyvinyl chloride PVC in plastic wrappers and other plastic boxes because it is not environmentally friendly. High-density plastic bottles HDPE and PET bottles are the more common bottles and are environmentally friendly. Packing is the primary task in the whole supply chain, and it results in a cost for the company.

Our earth is in danger because of extreme environmental conditions. Don’t use plastic for safe and green earth. Every country in the world is decreasing the use of plastic because of its drawbacks. Researchers are working to produce a material that is inexpensive and environmentally friendly. Glass is expensive, but it is the best of all materials.


Which chemicals do producers use for preserving?

The common preservatives in packed goods are Benzoates like Sodium benzoate nitrites like sodium nitrites.

What is the value of jarred goods?

Jarred goods are of much value for; producers and consumers.

Satisfactory packets ensure standards for the customer. Packing plays a primary role in the transportation of commodities. It also protects the food from contamination and spoilage.

Are these Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods costly for producers?

Glass and metal are costly for producers to assemble.

Pouches and clear jars are less expensive than glass jars.

Why use Jarred goods?

You should use Jared goods because of their longer shelf life and health benefits.

What causes food spoilage?

Microbes and bacteria which grow at certain temperatures and humidity levels cause food spoilage.

Is it safe to eat packed goods?

All packed goods are safe to eat except for a few. Read instructions before consuming packed goods.

What are the best water bottles?

Nalgene water bottles are BPA-free. These bottles do not get distorted and can withstand higher temperatures like boiling point.

What are the environmental effects of packed goods?

Polymers and plastics are harmful to the environment because they release toxic chemicals during heating and recycling.


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