You might think that managers always know what to do right away, but that isn’t the case. Many newbie HR managers are only just learning the ropes, and it takes them a while to feel comfortable within their position.
If you have attained your first HR management position, you are likely feeling a mixture of excitement and fear. Don’t worry – that’s normal. To make sure you get it right the first time, though, use these six tips.
1) Keep Learning
Just because you’ve climbed the ladder to a manager position, that doesn’t mean there isn’t still tons to learn. In fact, your journey is only just beginning, so prepare yourself for a string of lessons that will help you become a better manager. To help you on that journey, consider doing a business management course on the side. A Point Park University BS in HR Management is highly beneficial. It’ll teach you all the management and human-relations skills you need to manage the HR department.
2) Get to Know Each Employee
It’s much easier to manage a team when you know each employee as an individual. Not only will it help you form better relationships with the staff, but it will also help you delegate jobs properly and start as you mean to go on: being an approachable manager that people can rely upon. Set out with the goal of getting to know each staff member’s talents, weaknesses, and preferences.
3) Take Accountability
You won’t always get everything right as a manager, and that’s OK. What’s not OK, though, is attempting to shift the blame. In the end, it will only reflect poorly on your management skills. Instead, if you or the team as a whole has messed up, you must take accountability. It shows integrity, honesty, and strong leadership skills.
4) Learn the Dynamic
Each team has its unique dynamic. Even managers who have years of leadership experience still need to adapt their methods to suit who they are managing at the time. In the early days, make a plan to figure out how the dynamic works. You might discover you need to shift it in order to get the best work out of people, or you might find it’s better to go with the flow they have already found.
5) Listen to Your Staff
One of the most important skills for HR managers is listening. You need to know exactly what’s going on with your team, which means listening to everything they say. Whether there’s a complaint made or you need to be aware of a situation, openly listening will ensure you can address each situation in good time. Plus, you’ll form better relationships with your staff, as being an active listener shows respect.
6) Trust Your Team
Trust goes both ways. If you want your team to trust you, you must trust them. Avoid trying to have too much control over operations; instead, trust that your team has the skills to manage their workload and that if they need advice or assistance, they will come to you.