In a couple of years, the collaboration of the academia industry has manifested a swift advancement in the manufacturing of self-driving vehicles.
It is presumed that autonomous driving is going to reshape the traditional system of transportation through amplification in smart and safe mobility and good motion control.
What is Autonomous Driving?
Have you ever heard of autonomous driving? It is a technology that assists the vehicle get to its destination by simply observing the external environment.
Autonomous driving features consider the driver’s condition without the driver’s intercession and control the vehicle grounded on the collected information.
Since autonomous driving technology is considered the future mobility technology, leading IT companies and automobile manufacturers are also taking part in its development.
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) allocates autonomous driving technology into six different levels (level 0 to level 5).
What are the six levels of autonomous vehicles?
There are six levels of autonomous driving and when each of its levels increases, the intensity of the automatic car’s independent operation control also rises.
At level 0:
At level 0 of autonomous driving, the vehicle has no control over its operation and all the driving tasks are performed by the human driver.
At level 1:
At level 1, the ADAS (Advanced driver assistance system) of a car has the potential to support the driver either with its steering, braking or accelerating.
At level 2:
Level 2 of autonomous driving is a bit more advanced than the previous one as the ADAS can help oversee the braking, accelerating, or steering in some conditions.
Still, the human driver is required to pay complete attention to the driving environment throughout his journey, while the driver also needs to perform the remainder of the notable tasks.
At level 3:
In level 3 of autonomous driving, the ADS of a car is capable of performing all the necessary tasks that a driver does but in some restricted conditions.
At this level, the driver is asked to reclaim the control whenever requested by the ADS of the vehicle. While in the remaining conditions, the human driver fulfils the needed tasks.
At level 4:
This is the level of autonomous driving when the vehicle’s ADS is capable to perform all the tasks that a driver does independently.
Moreover, it also has to be done in certain conditions in which the attention of the driver is not needed. Level 4 autonomous driving is a progressive level that will soon be applicable in the entire world.
At level 5:
Level 5 is the most upgraded level of autonomous driving which involves complete automation whereas the ADS of a vehicle is unable to execute all the necessary tasks in every condition.
In this level of automation, no need for the driver’s assistance is required. This level is known as the full automation level which can be enabled by the application of 5G technology.
The 5G application allows vehicles not just to communicate with each other, but also with the signage, traffic signals, and even the roads themselves.
Conclusively, the future of autonomous driving is quite exciting and promising for everyone. The mainstream production in the U.S. is still a few years back from level 2. But this is not because of technological abilities, but the reason is the lack of security. Sooner, technology will command the world with its innovations.