How Long Should a Macbook Pro Last?


Apple has a reputation for prioritizing the user experience, even on the smallest detail like consistent aesthetics, intuitive user interface, and even rehearsing the unboxing experience. Mac products are also pricier than Microsoft products, even if they seemingly don’t last as long. At its annual events, you will find new and improved MacBook Pro releases.

Although they are a high-end product, MacBooks have had issues in the past. This included intermittent battery charging when the laptops show “not charging” while the power adapter is plugged in and the battery isn’t fully charged.

One of the reasons given for the issue was the battery health management feature. To extend the life of your battery, it will only start charging if your battery is below 90 percent. There was nothing wrong with the battery; it was just a misunderstanding between the user and the computer settings. You can get the most out of a MacBook if you fully understand how it works.

How Long Do Macbooks Last?

MacBooks last an average of 5–7 years; they may last longer. How long your MacBook lasts will depend on how intensively you use it. If you take proper care of your MacBook, it can last for a long time, even with wear and tear. MacBooks are more durable and robust than the average machine; their lifespan determines their ability to keep up with new tech.

As the OS and other software upgrade, the computer will require more power, ram, and storage; after some time, the machine will not be able to compete, and you will need a new one. However, before you get a new MacBook, you can do a few things to extend its use. The ram on a MacBook is usually soldered into the motherboard, so upgrading it isn’t a simple option. If you want more space, you can always use an external hard drive or use cloud services.

Managing your power usage can also extend your battery’s lifespan. The term “battery life” refers to the amount of time left till your battery needs a recharge. The term “battery lifespan” is the amount of time your battery can operate before you need to replace it.

If you manage the battery life well, you can increase your battery lifespan; similarly, if you don’t manage your battery life well, you will reduce its lifespan. To improve your battery performance, you can:

  • Keep your software updated. Updates typically come with performance enhancements along with advanced energy-saving technologies.
  • Keep your MacBook and battery away from extreme temperatures. The ideal temperature is anything between 50° to 95° F. Storing or charging your battery in high temperatures can be damaging. Cold temperatures can also reduce your battery’s performance, but the effect is temporary, as it will return to normal performance levels under the normal temperature range.
  • Remove any casings that can increase temperatures while the MacBook is charging. A temperature rise isn’t good for the battery’s performance.
  • Store it properly if you are not planning to use it for a long time. If you plan to store your laptop for months without using it, then you should charge it at 50 percent, power it down completely and keep it in a cool, moisture-free environment.
  • Use the Energy Saver option to extend your battery life. With Energy Saver on, your screen will be dimmer, and the MacBook will halt some processes to preserve battery life.
  • Switch off your Wi-Fi if you are not using it. It drains power even if you aren’t on a network.
  • Disconnect any peripherals and shut down all applications that are not in use.

As you recharge a MacBook, its battery will go through what is called a charge cycle. A charge cycle is a measurement that represents a complete depletion of a battery. A charge cycle doesn’t need to be a single charge. For example, if you use half a battery’s life, then fully charge it; that would count as half a cycle. If you repeat the process the following day, the two total charges from 50 percent battery life will count as one charge cycle.

Once a battery reaches its peak number of charge cycles, its performance will diminish. Once you reach the peak charge cycle, the MacBook will recommend you replace the battery. You will still be able to use the spent battery, but it won’t perform well. If you know how many charge cycles are remaining for your battery, you can determine when you need a replacement.

To find out how many charge cycles remain:

  • Hold the Option key and click the “Apple Menu”
  • Choose System Information
  • Under the Hardware section, choose power
  • The charge cycle will be under the “Battery Information” section

MacBooks have 300 to 100 charge cycles in them, depending on the model.

Additional Considerations For Mac Users

Considering the Macbook range at your disposal, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of choices. Each model can come with or without specific features, which makes buying one even more confusing. Some of the options you will have are the screen size or whether it comes with or without a touch bar.

MacBooks also limit the ability for users to make hardware upgrades and have fewer ports. Although the closed nature of the Apple system may seem odd, it is part of the reason that they experience fewer malware attacks. Should you need an upgrade or have issues with your MacBook, it is essential to take it to approved repair service. You can do an internet search for MacBook repair options near me to find one in your area.

MacBooks Can Last

MacBooks are a quality product that can last for a long time if you maintain them well. When you buy one, think about the future upgrades you will need to have enough ram and storage from the beginning. Your battery can last longer if you understand its limits and how to get the most out of each charge.


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