There has been a surge in working remotely in this digital era, specifically due to COVID-19. People have had to switch their daily activities and pick up a new online routine to stay safe. Additionally, with technology increasing and updating rapidly, it is seen as more beneficial to catch onto the wave rather than get left behind.
Working remotely has its challenges as benefits. Some challenges have been technological issues, a lack of technological knowledge and how to work with it, and a lack of access to the necessary technology. However, the benefits do provide a strong argument. Some of them may be seen as heightened flexibility in one’s work life, as they would be able to perform their duties from the comfort of their own home or the possibility of holding meetings with people from other countries with different time zones. Regarding COVID-19, it has posed an additional pro of reducing the risk of individuals contracting it.
These pros and cons also pertain to a specific scope of working online — how to work remotely with a client. While you may struggle in certain domains, you could learn to overcome them and thrive in most of them! We’re here to teach you how to do just that.
Here are our success tips when working remotely with a client.
Stay Informed and Adapt to Technological Changes
In the rapidly evolving landscape of remote work, remote workers, IT managers, and business leaders must stay current with technological advancements and global trends. The digital era, accelerated by COVID-19, demands frequent updates and awareness of new technologies as they emerge. Utilizing browser capabilities to access real-time information about software updates, cybersecurity threats, emerging collaboration tools, and remote work management best practices is vital.
This continuous learning helps optimize workflows, ensuring that teams use the most effective and secure tools available, whether managing projects online or needing to make a phone call online. Browser calls facilitate instant access to critical updates and information, significantly reducing response times and enhancing decision-making processes. Engaging with areas such as technology updates, cybersecurity alerts, training and development, regulatory compliance, and market trends brings significant benefits.
Settle on a communication channel
Settle on a communication channeTo begin, settling on a channel of communication is of utmost importance. With the various options readily available to anyone, such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams Calling, and Skype, perform research on some of them. Look for their differences and which could be the most useful option for you and your client.
Remember, this is two-way communication, so ensure your client is comfortable with the platform and plays a role in choosing one. You should be familiar with using the channel to avoid delays, which can waste useful work time and money. Since technology can be tricky, your goal should be to make communication seamless.
Digital workplace software
An extremely convenient way to keep in touch and keep up with the work other employees in the company are doing is via a digital workplace solution. It contains tools that allow collaboration within the organization, such as messaging and video call programs, project management software, etc.
This level of collaboration increases productivity among the employees, thereby increasing communication between the employee and their clients. Hence, opting for digital workplace software for your company will be preferential in bettering remote client relationships.
Schedule your meetings
Like in an in-person work setting, you should schedule online meetings with your client to facilitate good communication. You and your client could be situated in the same or completely different parts of the world. Hence, scheduling all your meetings to match your time zones and availability would result in good and clear communication.
By doing so, you and your client will be able to avoid any scheduling conflicts and confusion about timings, which will, in turn, help build a good rapport with your client.
Be organized
It is crucial to be organized when working in person or remotely. Remote work, in specific, may be additionally challenging when you have hundreds of projects to work on and meetings to get to.
You create a clustered and messy work environment by leaving heaps of documentation scattered throughout your technological workspace. You can easily solve this by clearing your screen up and organizing everything. Think of it like cleaning your desk — you place all the scattered papers into files and throw away anything clogging up your work area.
To clean up your technological area, create individual folders regarding their respective topics, sort your documents and so on into them. Continue by cleaning out any unnecessary junk that is taking up useful space. A clean and organized workspace will provide you with a decluttered mind and will allow you to gain more focus on the tasks at hand.
Maintain all records of communication
One incredible advantage of working remotely is the ability to record your meetings. Information is sure to get lost when working with a client over various modes of correspondence. An easy solution to this problem is maintaining records of all your communications with your client.
This could be by recording all your meetings, with their consent, and maintaining all written communication on all modes of communication. If there is any miscommunication or misunderstanding, you can look back at the meetings and clarify it.
Ensure the quality of your work
Working from home may seem like a prolonged vacation at times. We get to wake up later, be more in control of our schedule, and wear our pyjamas throughout the day. However, this mindset may need to be slightly altered to ensure the best communication with your client.
While being more in control is enjoyable and allows you to let loose, maintaining and ensuring the quality of your work is highly crucial. This lets your clients know they are being cared for and getting their money’s worth. Additionally, this will boost your image in the corporate world, providing you with more opportunities and respect.