Pulling off the ascot is not going to be easy. I won’t lie.
Yet, for those that are looking to stand out and add to their personal brand, then the ascot is a simple way to do that.
An ascot is simply another type of tie. It shouldn’t be such a bold thing to wear, but it really does stand out. It makes people curious about you. Sometimes in a bad way, but if you manage to do it right, it can be quite the conversation starter.
Here are some tips to keep in mind before you try one on.
Be a badass
The ascot tie has sadly become a symbol of the effete aristocratic male, but it can be reclaimed and made to make a statement that you are not to be messed with.
It can even be very similar to how you would wear a motorcycle jacket but in a dramatically different way.
Wear it low on the neck so it is only slightly peeking through your unbuttoned collar. Pair it with some sunglasses and a dark blazer and you’ll look like a guy that doesn’t have any you-know-what’s to give.
Don’t match
You may be tempted to have your ascot design match your suit or shirt, but try to resist.
You’re trying to make it stand out a bit and making it contrast with the colors or fabric is a great way to give yourself a bit of a rakish look.
If you are wearing a white shirt, pair it with a brightly colored ascot. If you are wearing a solid color shirt, then add a splash of whimsy with some complicated patterns.
Know your fabric
You may think that ll ascots are made out of silk or sating and should have a bit of shine to them. The fact is that there are many different fabrics that will suit your wardrobe and the season.
In the winter you may want to go with a cotton or cashmere ascot that feels warm and looks appropriate for the weather.
Tie it right
Though an ascot is much easier to tie than, say, a bow tie, it does need to be practiced to get it looking just right.
Tying an ascot shouldn’t be done too perfectly, however. Make sure you get the basics so it doesn’t look sloppy, but don’t go for perfection. Leaving it a little rustic will throw off a casual vibe that will keep your look right.
When to wear it
The occasion also plays a part in wearing an ascot. It could be a summer party for your work and you want to have a slightly more elegant look than just jeans and a button-down shirt, but going to your local pig roast might make you stand out in a bad way.
Any event wear adding a bit of formality won’t look out of place is best. Use your best judgment and if your inner voice is expressing some doubt then save it for another day.