Surely all of you, or at least most, have heard the term “digital natives.” Those words, applied to our sons and daughters, show the fact that they were born in a time when computers, mobiles, tablets, etc. they are our daily bread. Practically since they are born, they are watching us interact with different devices and the moment they can start experimenting with them, generally leaving us amazed at how quickly they learn to handle them. Without going any further, Rebeca (who is not yet two years old) already knows that mobile phones have tactile buttons to press, which are to call «Aiaaaaaaa», who can see her favorite videos and/or that so that the images screen change you have to slide your finger (or hand) over the screen.
In my opinion, the use of technologies by little ones that are available to them is positive. They will have to work with them throughout their lives, and becoming familiar with them will be good for them. Of course, all with some measure and security.
Online security is an issue that should concern us and a lot. We should be concerned about adults, and of course, we should be much more concerned about the safety of children. For this, the elderly must take the measures that we consider necessary. Having some control over our devices and over navigation can help our little ones to enjoy a positive and fun online experience.
There are many measures, but I’m going to tell you what, right now, I do with my little ones:
Avoid prohibiting the use of technology.
Children should learn internet usage habits with the lessons they can receive from their parents. In this way, with the passage of time, you can make more responsible use of this, do not forget that you are their role model.
Educate children about the dangers of the Internet.
Talk, inform and reason with them about the importance of the dangers that the Internet can entail. Emphasize the importance of being careful with their identity, their data, their photographs, their behavior.
It’s important to understand the dangers and the user base of online life looks like this 2022, visit internet statistics to learn more.
Mark limit times and clear rules of use.
Assign a schedule for your children to spend time on social networks or online games. Using the screen must be a reward after the obligations, and not a prerequisite to perform them.
When we are sailing, we lose track of time, and it flies by. Therefore, help your child to maintain a proper balance between the use of the Internet and other activities.
Find out how the Internet and social networks work.
Knowing firsthand how they work and what they are used for where your children surf is very important since in this way you ensure that your children do not enter pages of malicious content. Learn about how to protect their privacy on social networks (photos, comments, friends…) and then transmit it to your child.
Read Also: Short Guide To Figuring Out What Internet Speeds You Need
Communication is the key to being aware of what your child is doing.
Be interested in what they do with the technology, but without it becoming an interrogation. Respect their privacy and let them know that, in the face of any problem, there is enough trust for their parents to be the first to know. Make it clear that you will always be on their side, trying to help.
Teach him to take care of his actions in the network.
Talk to them about the responsibility that their acts in the network have, since many of the young people hide in the anonymity of the network to carry out actions of harassment to other minors, violation of privacy, cyberbullying, sexting…The fact of holding minors responsible for their actions in the network is very important. In this way, they will know that this type of actions cannot be carried out.
Monitor web history.
Eventually, you can review the history of browsers to control visits to web pages on different devices.
Block offensive or addictive apps.
By blocking different apps that may be inappropriate for minors, we improve the safety of our children online.
One of the easiest ways to perform all these actions and the said controls is the use of different tools that exist in the market, such as FamilyTime. The app offers avid internet filters with which you can ensure the safe use of mobile devices and the Internet by your children.
Internet Filters – The Tool for Parents!
The best way to keep your kids safe from adult content and developing damaging habits is to use the internet filter. You can use them on their PCs as well as their phones and tablets. FamilyTime is one such app that allows you to monitor your kid’s cellular activities and put content filters. You can check their web history to see what sites they are frequently using. You can also put filters on movies, TV shows, books, and iTunes. It would filter out the data according to the rating appropriate for your kids, and they won’t see any other thing. There is an app blocking feature which allows you to block unsafe apps like YouTube, Instagram etc. It is available for both iOS and Android. Download it from here:
Now tell me, what do you do to make your kids surf the net safely?