SEO Tips for Dispensaries in 2022


Promotion of dispensaries is not an easy task due to the specific requirements of search engines for such web resources. SEO specialists share insights and talk about what and how to do on such a specialized site to raise it to the top.

How to Work With Dispensaries

Recommendations for SEO for dispensary and specialists involved in the development and promotion are the following:

  • Highlight feedback forms visually. When going to the site, the user should immediately see information about the possibilities of the order.
  • Use geotargeting. Often, users are looking for a store closer to home, so take a close look at local SEO promotion, and specify geolocation when launching a context/target.
  • It is important to have reviews on the site. The official representative of the store should respond to any reviews politely and to the point — this increases the level of trust and loyalty of users.
  • Experiment with ad settings. Search engines are reluctant to skip direct cannabis ads. However, a competent approach to compiling ads allows you to bypass the framework.


Proper distribution of query intent will help prevent errors in data collection and clustering. SEO trends for a dispensary in semantics are the following:

  • Make a promotion strategy after analyzing competitors in the search results for the city. Consider the number and positions of other stores.
  • Attract additional traffic by collecting semantics for individual cannabis varieties. Carry out search engine optimization of individual pages of the site using specific product names.
  • Reduce the percentage of high-frequency requests. It almost makes no sense to take ultra-high-frequency queries, for example, “hemp” — the top search results for them are occupied by players who have been working on the market for a long time.
  • Use accurate commercial inquiries. The keys should contain the words “rating” and “price”.
  • Use geolocation. It is possible to increase conversions by adding geolocation keys in the form of the names of the target city, district, and street.
  • Lower the priority of search queries with different product groups. It is possible that with their help it will be possible to increase coverage, but this will require a large advertising budget.
  • Separate commercial requests from informational ones. Information requests are clues like “what is the use of cannabis”.


When designing the structure of dispensaries’ websites, it is important to follow several points:

  • Create a single product section. Inside, place subsections dedicated to equipment, seeds, etc.
  • Make a separate section for varieties. The information in this section may overlap with the information in the directions section. For example, finished products may overlap with seeds.
  • Prepare a section including information about your consultants. Assign a personal specialist card to each of them, place it on a separate page, and indicate the data.
  • Take out separately detailed price lists. Specify the actual cost of different goods.
  • Create a section for info texts. In the information section, post lengthy articles describing the benefits of cannabis, etc.
  • It’s also worth developing secondary page groups and placing testimonials about your store on them.


The quality of the content depends on how correctly the semantic core was collected, and the key phrases were distributed. However, it’s not enough just to place keywords on landing pages. First of all, it is necessary to make texts useful for visitors.

Take the text and analyze how it is understandable to the user without specialized knowledge. Explain terms. Emphasize the accessibility and usefulness of the content with consistent structure and formatting. Design tables, create infographics, and supplement pages with navigation elements.

Expert content, if it provides a competent answer to a specific question, brings user visits for information and reference requests. The more such visits, the faster the site is promoted in search engines.

In addition, competent content improves behavioral factors and forms audience loyalty to your store: a positive image of a client is created even before visiting.

It is good if the site will have publications of different types, for example:

  • profile materials of employees;
  • the standard reference on terms;
  • answers to common questions that are often of interest to the audience.

From the point of view of SEO, it is enough to analyze the search queries relevant to this topic, get feedback from the shop staff and collect the most common questions asked by customers. In this way, it is possible to create technical requirements for the materials and, together with experts, prepare detailed and useful content.


The quality of SEO directly affects conversions. What you should pay attention to when optimizing a medical site:

  • Adaptation for mobile versions of browsers is required. Up to 70% of visits to cannabis store websites are on tablets and smartphones.
  • Website pages should load equally quickly on PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Loading speed influences the ranking of a web resource in search.
  • The information must be up-to-date. Regularly check and update schedules and rates as needed.
  • Add more information. When registering in directories and on aggregator websites, fill out profiles with detailed data, starting with the list of goods and ending with the mode of operation.
  • If the store is located far from the city center, then additionally place a map, diagram, or video on the site with the location and route descriptions.


When working with advertising, consider the following factors and opportunities:

  • Landing pages should match the user’s needs. To do this, advertisements can be divided into small groups.
  • When launching targeting, consider the indirect parameters of the target audience. If your store offers equipment for growing cannabis, then it is not superfluous to further research the audience segment that is interested in seeds.
  • Use social media scraping. Gather an audience from competitors — from thematic publics.
  • Add promotional offers to ads and use additional links. Promotions must be valid throughout the entire period of displaying contextual/targeted advertising.
  • Use video. Useful video content is not only on YouTube and TikTok but also online consultations with experts directly on the site.

Promoting websites of dispensaries on your own, without falling for fines and filters, is not an easy task. However, you can be safe by contacting a digital agency with an experienced team. With the help of our article, you will have an understanding of what paid specialists will do and what results can be expected from their work.


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