7 Things to Consider while setting up an Office on a Budget


If you get a deeper insight into leading businesses, you’ll discover that those businesses care a lot about the way their office’s design is laid out. Why? Because the design layout of an office plays a crucial role in the company’s overall productivity. From providing employees with comfortable workspaces to designing lounges that enable private conversations and foster engagement, the way an office is designed is imperative to the company’s performance quality, creativity, and productivity.

If you’re a newbie who’s looking to set their office up on a budget or simply an existing entrepreneur who’s trying to make ends meet, you’re at the right place. We’ve gathered a whole set of essential things to consider in creating your dream office on a budget.

1) Utilize those extra spaces

There are spaces in offices that stay unused for quite a long time. For instance, if you’ve got a business that doesn’t require meeting clients now and then, why’s that reception area covering so much area? If you start thinking creatively, you can use that space to expand into a workspace, helping you accommodate more workers to boost productivity or create more breathing space if you feel congested.

What’s more is that you can even utilize that space in a more lucrative way by renting it out to mobile businesses, bringing the idea of shared coworking space into practice for your business’s collective success.

2) Wake your inner neat freak

The importance of maintaining a clean office is often overlooked, which is why businesses fail to innovate. Cleaning up your space doesn’t cost you a penny, at least if the process takes place regularly. Cleanliness contributes to the overall look of the office as well as leads to happier employees.

To achieve a squeaky-clean office, you can try implementing policies that prevent employees from eating at their desks. You can also try putting an end to placing individual bins with the desks, which would eventually cancel out the inevitable pile of rubbish at the workplace.

All of this won’t cost you much but will result in an aesthetic and comforting office for the employees.

3) Get creative with unused furniture

If you want to make your office look more pleasing, try using unused furniture to your advantage. Have them polished and repaired, and place them in a way that invites conversations in your workplace. You can then use those tables and chairs in a meeting room to give a more classical vibe.

This brilliant move will look excellent if you’re running an advertising agency where employees need space to brainstorm for new ideas.

4) Chalk the plan out!

We all know that starting an office setup isn’t easy. Things have to be budget-friendly to gain benefit out of a new venture. A chalkboard in your office can give your office an excellent decorative touch. Not only does it enhance the overall look of your office space, but it is also pocket-friendly.

Besides, you won’t have to search for a pen and notebook while you’re on call; a chalkboard is all you need to note things down.

5) Use art

Your office does not always have to be occupied with dreary and disheartening depressed posters. But there’s another more creative way of introducing some art in your office. The go-to would be to use one-liner quotes and pictures of birds, which are expensive.

You can download a photo or quotes and have the printouts framed, or, if you’re good at drawing, sketch something you like and frame that instead. There you go, your creativity will result in presenting the best piece for your office wall, and it won’t be heavy on your pockets as well.

6) Let some light in

Natural daylight is essential for being productive and creative because that’s where the vibe comes from. When it comes to the working space, it would be best if you’d stay away from the basement or places where there’s less light.

7) Try being unconventional

Start with making a feature wall with the logo of your company. You can add in vintage styling or put some handmade things with the company’s logo to make your office look different yet unique at the same time. And that’s not all; you can use a combination of stuff to recolor and re-arrange to enhance the overall look of your office without spending a ton of money on buying decoration stuff.

When you use existing stuff by refurbishing it, you’d understand the benefits of re-using things that you never even considered, saving you tons of money and effort. It’s all about the way you tie the knots.


Brainstorming ideas to transform your ordinary workplace into an attractive one would cut costs quite a bit and help your workforce be more productive. You don’t necessarily have to go into debt to make the office of your dreams come to life. If you’re creative and into designing, you can use your skills to make changes in your workplace to make it more unique and presentable.


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