As the cost of living continues to increase, everyone could use a little extra money in their pockets. Considering you already spend a good amount of time on your phone, why not use it to earn some extra cash in a side hustle? You never know, your side hustle could turn into a full-time job.
Smartphones are no longer just a gadget where you make calls and receive messages, but can do so much more. With so many sites optimized for mobile devices, you can now play your favorite games, do your banking and even check out Tripoint Lending Reviews all on your smartphone. Here are some ways you can make money on your phone.
Become an event planner
There are many mobile apps dedicated to managing lists, appointments and schedules. These make it easy to plan an event and keep in touch with your clients’ needs and appointments, and since you’re already using your phone, it’s easy to correspond quickly.
Become an app developer
Mobile apps are very popular nowadays and with your smartphone, you can test and build a mobile app for your own venture and sell it at a profit. You can also consider creating for other companies to earn extra cash.
Become a social media manager
You can also manage a company’s social media accounts. Most businesses find it time-consuming but realize having a social media presence is valuable for their businesses. Fortunately for you, social media management can’t be automated, at least not yet. You can consider reaching out to companies and offering to run their social media accounts. You can also negotiate your compensation.
Create a combo
You can pair up your smartphone with your car or house to venture into business opportunities such as Uber or Airbnb. Hosts and drivers earn a substantial amount from doing this.
Test websites and apps
You can test websites and apps for developers and designers using platforms such as Userlytics and Usertesting. With the Usertesting you can earn up to $10 per 20-minute test via PayPal.
Start a Youtube channel
This is one of the oldest ways to hustle online. You can simply start your own YouTube channel and showcase any type of scale. From cooking to cleaning, repairing and painting – whatever your area of expertise is you can make a video using your phone and post it on your YouTube channel and wait for the views.
Sell your old stuff
Sometimes we have a bunch of things that we don’t need. You can sell them on various online sites for cash. make sure that you take clear pictures to post and place the item for sale online with the price tag and phone number. A common site for this is eBay.
Become a freelancer
There are no limits when it comes to freelancing as long as you have a smartphone and a good internet connection. You can take up content writing jobs, graphic design, web design and cyber security jobs. You can earn per hour with most sites. This is a very popular online hustle for people worldwide.
By exploring the vast pool of side hustles, you are bound to find one that you like. Hopefully, the list in this text can assist in kick-starting your side hustle journey.