Commercial door maintenance is an essential part of keeping your property safe and presentable. Moreover, given the fact that doors are the first thing that people notice as they enter your property, door maintenance is important to create a good impression.
If you’ve got manual doors, we advise opting for commercial and retail automatic door installation to have a long-lasting effect on your clients.
Nevertheless, to protect your door from further damage, you need regular commercial door maintenance regardless of the kind of door you have at your property.
Naturally, with the amount of traffic that passes by a commercial door on a daily basis, they are prone to wear and tear. Therefore to help you avoid frequent door repairs and protect them from damages, we have brought you this brilliant article.
In this post, we will discuss 6 simple yet effective commercial door maintenance tips to keep in mind to ensure the efficiency of your commercial doors.
1) Look for Hindrances
When it comes to door maintenance, one needs to be alert and observant. This is because doors often give you various signals before they start withering.
To efficiently enhance the lifespan of your door, it is important to keep an eye for hindrances and obstructions that prevent the door from functioning properly. For example, jammed doors are susceptible to damage, therefore it is advisable to clean any rust or pieces of dirt blocking the door.
2) Lubrication is Key
One of the most crucial aspects of commercial door maintenance is lubrication. All doors have various parts that need to be regularly lubricated to ensure smooth functioning.
Your job is to keep an eye on such parts and regularly lubricate them when needed. These parts mainly include the hinges, the locks and the bolts.
Lubrication shall help them move around smoothly and prevent them from damage.
3) Check the Bolts
After being used so much everyday, the bolts of commercial doors tend to loosen up and sometimes, if not taken care of immediately, even fall. This can cause severe damage to the door and anyone using the door. To prevent such a problem, we advise you to regularly check the bolts on your door.
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If you find any loose bolts, tighten them right away and prevent the door from further damage. However, from then on monitor those bolts more frequently.
4) Door Bumpers
A brilliant way to prevent damage to your door is installing door bumpers. These bumpers are simply there to protect your door from banging into the frame or wall.
Although they are a minor expense, we are certain that they shall greatly enhance the lifespan of your door and are key to door maintenance. Furthermore, they also protect damage to the door frame and the wall behind the door.
5) Keep an Eye On the Seal
Door seals usually tend to wither away with time. Keep an eye out for a damaged one and replace it as soon as possible.
When it comes to commercial door maintenance, this is essential because it not only prevents sound from leaving the room but also leads to energy efficiency. Moreover, by keeping the rooms insulated, you can save a lot more money on heating and cooling and maintain privacy.
6) Door Frame Maintenance
Door frames are important parts of your commercial doors. Any damage to the frame can directly cause damage to the door. Therefore, you need to regularly check your door frame for damages and clean all debris and dust out of them.
However, if you find that the damage is way beyond repair, we suggest talking to a professional door repair service provider or automatic door installers.
With these simple door maintenance tips, you can make sure that your commercial doors last longer and work more efficiently.
As we observed in the article, the conclusion is that you need to be regular about your door checks and work on the door repairs immediately. Nevertheless, if you find damage in the door that you do not understand, do not try to repair it yourself. Instead, ask for the services of a professional!