Occasional drinking is fine and something that most of us do either when we want to relax, or when we hang out with people we love. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but drinking while driving is something else.
Unfortunately, many people tend to do this, especially when they are under a lot of stress, and they need something that’s going to help them briefly forget about the struggles they are going through.
But that’s not the answer and by doing so, you are not only jeopardizing your own safety, but the safety of others as well. If you want to know more about the consequences of this, then scroll below and you’ll learn everything.
You Could Be Arrested
Well, this one is undoubtedly a no-brainer and probably the most obvious thing. So, yes, if you decide to drive while under the influence, it’s highly likely you’ll get arrested. If the police notice that you were drinking, they will stop you and then you’ll be forced to take a sobriety test.
In these types of situations, there are numerous tests that can be taken, such as urine, blood, or breath. So why would anyone be arrested? There are three reasons why someone could be taken to the police station:
- If you do not want to take a sobriety test
- If your BAC is very high
- If they found drugs in your system
Once you’re brought to the police station, you will stay they until you are completely sober, or until someone comes to pick you up. Now, if the situation you’re in is a bit more complex, then you might need the help of a solicitor. This refers to people who have injured or killed someone while DUI. So how an attorney can help you in these instances? If you weren’t the culprit, a lawyer can help you dismiss the charges.
On the flip side, if it was your fault, then a legal expert can help you get a reduced sentence. In a nutshell, in these instances, the best thing that you could do is to hire a seasoned advocate. But the question is, are there really good lawyers who can help you with your case?
Yes, of course, there are! We’ve heard from lots of people that in Colorado, especially in Denver, you can easily find adroit and knowledgeable solicitors. Therefore, if you live in this city, then be sure to browse the web so you could hunt down a DUI attorney in Denver, CO to see what can be done to change things for the better. It’s worth a shot!
You Could Lose Your Driver’s License
Now, this doesn’t mean that you’ll lose it forever, however, if you are convicted, your driver’s license will most likely be revoked for up to two years. And that could be a huge problem, especially if your work is too far away from the place you live in and you’re obligated to drive in order to get to work.
In these types of situations, you could either opt for public transport (if there’s one) or ask someone to drive you, otherwise, you may end up losing your job which is definitely not a good thing.
Not to mention the fact that people who have been driving for many years are used to this and when they are not allowed to do it, they can become very depressed. Having a driver’s license is surely a huge thing.
When you have it, you can go anywhere anytime, run all those daily errands, and simply be part of various social activities, so when you lose your license, it may feel like someone has cut off your arm. It may sound like an exaggeration, but it is without a doubt a serious change that takes time to get used to.
Permanent Criminal Record
If by any chance, you are convicted of DUI, you’ll have a permanent criminal record that’s going to be visible, which means that a potential employer will be able to see it while performing a background check.
And this doesn’t refer to employers only, but to landlords, and officials in charge of financial aid applications. If something like this happens, you won’t be able to get a scholarship, an apartment, a loan, and a job.
Of course, if none of these aforementioned people perform a background, then they won’t know anything about it, however, if they do, then you can only hope they will give you the benefit of the doubt.
Let’s Not Forget To Mention Fines
One of the most common consequences of DUI is court-ordered fines. How much are they? In most situations, they are somewhere around $1,000, while bail is normally between $150 to $2,500.
Besides all these things, you should know that you’ll also have to pay for impound and towing, which is around $300. And then there are chemical testing fees, jail fees, alcohol treatment, and many other expenses. Sounds like a substantial amount of money, right?
What About Auto Insurance Rates?
If you are convicted of DUI, then it’s highly likely that your car insurance rates are going to be increased. Why is that? Well, that’s because you are no longer perceived as someone who is safe and reliable, but more as a “high-risk” driver.
In these types of situations, the insurance rates will most likely double, or even triple for a couple of years. Bear in mind that there are insurance companies that may decide to completely end your coverage.
It’s Going To Impact Traveling Too
Now, here’s something that’s frequently overlooked by many people. Namely, what a lot of them fail to realize is that if they are convicted of driving under the influence, it’s going to restrict their ability to travel to other places.
How come? Well, that’s because there are some countries that do not allow individuals with criminal records to enter their country, which includes DUI as well.
As you can see, the consequences of driving under the influence are very serious, so if you want to avoid them, then please think twice before you sit behind the wheel because, sometimes, there are no second chances.